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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Secret Sale: Bliss Spa

One can never be too thin or too rich in flab-fighting formulas. So give that pudge the proverbial nudge with travel ready renditions of Bliss' most popular 'bare necessities'. Head on over to Bliss, and this dimple-dashing trio of Poetic Cosmetics Fatgirlslim, Bliss High Thighs Cellulite Fighting Serum, and Bliss High Thighs Slimmer Scrub can be yours for only $24 bucks -normally $40! Run, don't walk, quantites are limited. With special pricing up to a whopping 75% off, you don't want to be left with 'slim' pickins. Summer Sale ends June 21, 1pm EST (only 48 hours).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is for the females looking to get clear of thigh cellulite,

Getting free of thigh cellulite is usually not very difficult if you learn just what exactly you require to do. Never spend your hard earn cash on all types of creams lotions and gels. quite a few of them can aid you to reduce the look of cellulite following few months, yet it will not handle cellulite, only way to manage cellulite stop is simply just by some simple exercise, one of the most helpful workouts is presented on the following video clip.

[url=http://www.cellulite-end.com/exercises-for-thigh-cellulite]Get rid of Thigh cellulite [/url]