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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Camouflaging Darkness to Light

For us brunettes gone blonde, it’s not always easy timing the next salon appointment with “new growth.” Most of know us it takes about three weeks for dark roots to break scalp ground. And yet, us busy girls try to stretch those visits too far apart? So, what’s a bottled-blonde to do between touch-ups?


For just $21, this hair-coloring product is a blonde’s best lifesaver. Last month, as the Christmas holiday crept upon our life, there was no time to schedule time with Jerry (our colorist). So, we had bought Natural for one of those rainy days when a salon appointment is out of the question. And Rene Furterer Naturia Dry Shampoo, filled in our darkness with light in three easy steps:

· Spritz 6-10 inches away from dark roots,

· Massage into the head Let dry for 10-15 minutes

· Gently brush tresses, blend into other hair color and voila

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