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Friday, June 15, 2007


If your guy secretly longs to be as suave as George Clooney and who wouldn't - he's rich, famous, notoriously single and always looks like a million bucks. Now you can help him get one step closer to their 'forbidden' fantasy with Woody's Men's Grooming Products.

While filming, Leatherheads, a romantic comedy set in the 1920s in which Clooney plays a professional football team owner, Clooney's hair and makeup department called on the expertise of AII to request "the best talc in the business", Clubman-Pinaud. They also received Woody's Meat and Potatoes Bar , $16 of body soap.

This is the second time that Clubman has co-starred with Clooney; earlier this year, the production team of the film Michael Clayton used Clubman-Pinaud products to dress the set. The thriller, in which Clooney plays the title role, will be released this fall.

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