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Friday, June 15, 2007

Get the Green Out

If you've been spending every afternoon at the neighborhood pool with your kids and your blonde 'do suddenly develops a pea green tinge ala Shrek, the chlorine's to blame.

Not only can chlorine can make hair feel dry, brittle, but it makes hair difficult to comb through; and tangles easily. So if your hair feels gummy, or has a fiberglass appearance after taking a swim, there is an easy solution. Wetting your hair completly with fresh water prior to diving in will prevent all of the above. Hair is like a sponge and if it is already saturated, it's won't be able to soak up as much of the chlorinated water.

To help ward off the green, pick up a special shampoo like Malibu 2000 Swimmers' Water Action Shampoo, $9.50. This gentle, daily shampoo is formulated with antioxidant vitamins and botanicals specifically for swimmers of all ages. Or make your own antidote. Mix two parts clarifying shampoo like, Fresh Soda Shampoo, $24 and one part window cleaner (yes, Windex type). It seems odd, but the ammonia found in many window cleansers acts like peroxide to pull the green film out of your hair. The cleanser may be slightly drying so follow up with a deep conditioner.

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